
Order processing time is 3-5 business days, unless otherwise notified. Orders are shipped using the United States Postal Service (USPS) Monday through Friday. When shipped, you will receive an email containing your order tracking information.

All international customs, taxes, and other fees are the responsibility of the customer. The cost will vary by value and country, so please be aware of what to expect before purchasing. Refunds are not given if a package is refused due to customs fees or any other reason.

If an item arrives damaged, please let us know within five days, and we will ship a replacement item to you. Sending photos of a damaged item/package helps us improve any shipping issues and is greatly appreciated.

Due to the nature of Pure Luxe Apothecary products, we are unable to accept returned products.  If there’s an issue with your order or you are not satisfied, we will happily work with you to find a solution. Please be in touch.

Products and product information are not intended to treat, cure, prevent or diagnose any medical condition. If you are pregnant or nursing, or are concerned about a particular health condition, please consult your physician before using products containing essential oils.

All content, text, and images on this website are subject to copyright law and may not be replicated or reproduced without permission.  If you'd like to share our products, images, and information - thank you, we love that!  Please always acknowledge and credit the Pure Luxe Apothecary website as the source of the material if you do so.

Other questions? Please ask. And by all means, if you love something, let us know!